Dear Second Street Families,
We have decided to align with other schools in the district and will be using an online platform called ‘’ for special lunches and fundraising purchases moving forward. This allows us to move away from School Cash Online for things that it was not intended to be used for (i.e. Pizza Days and Spirit Wear orders). Via, you can pay for your orders online using a credit card (Visa/Mastercard), debit-credit card, Google Pay, Apple Pay or pre-paid credit card.
School Cash Online will continue to be used for things like the monthly school meal program, field trips, planners and other school/district related fees.
- Go to:
- Click the “Register Here” button (as shown below). The system will guide you through.
- After adding your children, click the green “Order Lunch!” button to order.
- Next time just click the “Login Here” button to access your account.
*Please note munchalunch is a desktop website. It will work on a phone but is best viewed on a computer*
- Online ordering will be opened when there are upcoming events or fundraisers
- You can see all upcoming special lunch dates on this calendar. Samosa Day on April 3rd is open for ordering now
- If you need assistance with ordering, or do not have access to the internet,
please visit the community office or contact - If your child is absent for a special lunch, you can pick the food up at the school or it will be held for 2 days before disposal
- This is separate from the monthly school lunch program
- Please be aware that as the food is ordered in advance, we will be unable to accept any late orders or provide refunds
- All profits from the special lunch sales and fundraisers go toward supporting our school projects and initiatives
Our thanks to the Second Street CPAC for supporting the Community Office on this important initiative!