Blog Archives

  • Good Morning, Today is going to be an exciting day as our students are going into their new classes for the year. Many of our classes are combined grade classes […] 0

    Moving Day

    Good Morning, Today is going to be an exciting day as our students are going into their new classes for the year. Many of our classes are combined grade classes […]

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  • The first week of school has been a very busy one. Students have been reconnecting with their friends and last year’s teachers as well as rotating through different classes to […] 0

    School news

    The first week of school has been a very busy one. Students have been reconnecting with their friends and last year’s teachers as well as rotating through different classes to […]

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  • We hope that all of our families had a restful and fun summer holiday. School will re-open September 3 for one hour only from 9:00 – 10:00. For all students, […] 0

    Welcome Back

    We hope that all of our families had a restful and fun summer holiday. School will re-open September 3 for one hour only from 9:00 – 10:00. For all students, […]

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  • Thanks to all of the classes, parents, volunteers and the school district who helped make our garden come to life. Many classes have planted in the garden so far and […] 0

    Our Garden is in Bloom

    Thanks to all of the classes, parents, volunteers and the school district who helped make our garden come to life. Many classes have planted in the garden so far and […]

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  • The time has finally arrived and it is time for our students to show their stuff. Mr TDS has written and directed this year’s play and the students have worked […] 0

    Marvella and the Moon

    The time has finally arrived and it is time for our students to show their stuff. Mr TDS has written and directed this year’s play and the students have worked […]

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  • This Thursday, May 23 we will be hosting our annual Welcome to Kindergarten event from 1:00 through 2:30. We encourage all of our registered kindergarten students for next September to […] 0

    Welcome to Kindergarten

    This Thursday, May 23 we will be hosting our annual Welcome to Kindergarten event from 1:00 through 2:30. We encourage all of our registered kindergarten students for next September to […]

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  • Just a reminder that kindergarten registration is ongoing throughout the school year. If you have a child who was born in 2014 and your family lives in our catchment area, please […] 0

    Kindergarten Registration

    Just a reminder that kindergarten registration is ongoing throughout the school year. If you have a child who was born in 2014 and your family lives in our catchment area, please […]

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  • Today your child will bring home their term two report card. Please take some time to read the report card with your child and celebrate the learning that is taking […] 0

    Report Cards

    Today your child will bring home their term two report card. Please take some time to read the report card with your child and celebrate the learning that is taking […]

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  • PInk shirt day is a day that is dedicated to raising awareness of bullying and discrimination. The day is an opportunity for schools across Canada to foster healthy self-esteem and to celebrate […] 0

    PInk shirt day is a day that is dedicated to raising awareness of bullying and discrimination. The day is an opportunity for schools across Canada to foster healthy self-esteem and to celebrate […]

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  • Please join us for our Celebrations of Cultures dinner. Tickets are available at the community office. Bring a dish from your home country and share with others. 0

    Celebration of Cultures Dinner

    Please join us for our Celebrations of Cultures dinner. Tickets are available at the community office. Bring a dish from your home country and share with others.

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