Executive Roles & Responsibilities

Council Executive Positions

Role Description – exactly as outlined in Constitution (Section XI) General Duties in practice
Past Chairperson

–   not elected

This person provides continuity to the organization whose membership may change with each new term. The Past Chairperson, has a historic overview of its activities. This knowledge should be used to advise Council members on how to proceed when difficulties or questions arise. Special efforts on the part of the Past Chairperson should be made to try to ensure everyone has a chance to express his or her views, welcome visitors to the meeting, ensure that they understand the topics being discussed, and include them in the discussions. –       Provide insights from previous year(s)

–       Help facilitate discussions at monthly Parent & Neighbour Council meetings


–   elected

The function is to direct and coordinate the community council in cooperation with the other members of the executive, the Community School Coordinator, the representative of Burnaby Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services and the Community School Principal. The Chairperson should have a firm understanding of the community education philosophy at Second Street Community School and the neighbourhood it serves. The Chairperson should be aware of all aspects of topics to be discussed at a Council meeting to ensure that topics receive full and appropriate discussion. The Chairperson is responsible for coordinating the work of the Council Sub-Committees. The Chairperson or designate member of Council may officially represent the Council at other schools or community groups and on those occasions should express the Council’s viewpoint. The Chairperson will receive all official letters to Council and will write all official letters on behalf of Council. –       Coordinate and chair monthly Parent & Neighbour Council meetings

–       Coordinate and chair monthly executive meetings

–       Ensure material needed for discussion on agenda topics is prepared

–       Approve meeting minutes

–       Coordinate Council communication and prepare letters on behalf of Council

–       Co-sign cheques from Council accounts

–       Attend regular District Advisory Committee (DAC) meetings (or delegate)


–   elected

The major responsibility is to gain as much knowledge as possible about the duties and tasks of the Chairperson. It is the function is to assist the Chairperson in all aspects of his/her duties. The Vice-Chairperson will assume the activities of the Chairperson in case of absence and will be called upon to complete the unexpired term of the Chairperson in case of resignation. The Vice-Chairperson will also be responsible for reviewing the minutes of the previous month’s meeting to ensure that all motions and recommendations are being carried out. He/she will address this under “Old Business”. –       Support Chairperson with their role and step in when they are absent

–       Ensure previous month’s actions are carried out


–   elected

To serve on the Finance Committee The Treasurer is responsible to the Council for supervising its financial affairs and will make a report at each monthly meeting. The Treasurer will receive all money raised through Council activities, deposit all money in the Council accounts and keep a current record of each transaction. –       Maintain transaction summary for both Council bank accounts and prepares monthly financial summaries

–       Execute bank deposits and disburses funds from the council accounts

–       Prepare material for budget discussion and approval

–       Prepare grant application & required reporting

Recording Secretary

–   elected

May serve on a committee of his/her choice. It is the responsibility of the Recording Secretary to record the minutes of all Council and Executive meetings. These minutes will be made available along with the upcoming agenda and sub-committee reports to the Council members prior to the monthly Council meeting. These minutes will be distributed for the information and approval of the Council. –       Attend executive meeting (monthly) and prepare monthly Parent & Neighbour Council meeting agenda based on executive input

–       Circulate attendance sheets during Parent & Neighbour Council meetings

–       Write meeting summary for executive and monthly Parent & Neighbour Council meetings

–       Print and post Parent & Neighbour Council meetings minutes on Council bulletin board

–       Maintain a Council binder in the Community Room


Additional Council Positions

These positions are important to the Council but not critical that they are filled. Council will recruit members into these roles at the AGM, however, they are not elected positions.

Attendance at executive meetings is optional. However, they will be in regular contact with the Chairperson so that any relevant discussion and decisions are communicated.

Role Description – exactly as outlined in Constitution (Section XII) General Duties in practice
Social Convener


To serve on the Program Committee – assists with the coordination of all volunteers for Council functions, e.g. potluck dinners, etc. – sends out greetings/messages, as appropriate, to volunteers/staff and Council members, past and present – organizes refreshments and arranges social events for Council members –       Purchase gifts and send cards for milestone events for staff and important community members

–       Provide update at monthly Parent & Neighbour Council meetings

–       Ensure that logistics are arranged for council and executive meetings including location and refreshments

DPAC Representative


Not outlined in current constitution.

To represent the Council at the District Parent Advisory Committee.

–       Attend District Parent Advisory Committee meetings

–       Provide update at monthly Parent & Neighbour Council meetings

Communications Coordinator


Not outlined in current constitution.

To ensure our communication is consistent in all forums and to reach out to get feedback on behalf of Council.

–       Oversee content on website and other school publications (newsletter, emails, The Signal) to ensure consistent and up to date

–       Establish a communication network for parents & community members to connect to Council and provide input

–       Monitor Council email account

Fundraising Coordinator


Not outlined in current constitution.

To oversee planning the fundraising efforts for the year and help coordinate their execution. Fundraisers include product sales, concession, event ticket sales.

–       Make annual fundraising plan and communicate to council executive and school administration for approval

–       Review fundraising suggestions and proposals from parents, community members, and advertisements

–       Support those leading each fundraiser with resources and insight

–       Prepare Popcorn Day schedule at the start of the year and ensure tasks related to popcorn sales are covered by volunteers (supplies, communication, sale days, etc.)

–       Provides update at monthly Parent & Neighbour Council meetings